Fallout shelter how to setup layout
Fallout shelter how to setup layout

After they return from their journey, you can reap the rewards from the hundreds of CAPS they bring back with them. Vault Dwellers will not die on their return journey, so keep that in mind when sending them back to your Vault. If you are satisfied with what they've gathered or worried they are close enough to dying, you can have them return back to your Vault. You can view the progress of their journey reguraly by tapping on the Wasteland to check on their health and follow their report. A well equipped, high SPECIAL Vault Dweller won't die easily out in the Wasteland, especially if they have a few Stimpacks equipped. To collect the reward though from their journey, Dwellers must come back to your Vault alive. Once that is done, drag them outside of the Vault and add a few Stimpacks and Radaways before sending them off on their journey. A well rounded Vault Dweller will do much better out in the Wasteland than one with 10 Strength and only 2 of every other stat. To best prepare your Vault Dweller for exploring the Wasteland, equip a Dweller with your strongest weapon and outfit to increase their overall SPECIAL stats. Vault Dwellers can collect tons of CAPS when exploring the Wasteland for a few hours.

fallout shelter how to setup layout

The most efficient way of collecting CAPS behind collecting resources though, is through sending your Vault Dwellers out into the Wasteland. You'll also earn a few caps each time one of your dwellers gains a level. LUNCHBOXES often contain cards with 100 or sometimes even 500 CAPS and Weapons and Outfits can be sold for a profit.

fallout shelter how to setup layout fallout shelter how to setup layout

There are several other ways to earn CAPS though. Each time one of your production rooms is collected you have a chance to gain a handful of CAPS depending on the Luck stat of the Dweller's in that particular room. Other means to gathering more Dwellers for your Vault include picking one from a Lunchbox, using the Radio Studio to attract more Dwellers to your Vault, or waiting for the random chance a Dweller will come to the front door of your Vault seeking shelter.ĬAPS are gained through collecting resources and completing objectives.

Fallout shelter how to setup layout